Sunday, 9 October 2011

Meet Danni

Well... what do you think?

It turns out that I do have an alter identity and her name's Danni. I like the colour of her hair - chocolate copper (it looks darker in real life) - but I'm not sure about the fringe and general styling. I'm also not sure if I will ever wear it. Donning a headscarf seems somehow less confronting than wearing a realistically styled wig. I mean, I've seen women with this hairstyle and they don't think it's an alternative to their 'real' style.

I just don't know if dragging up as Danni will be much fun. She doesn't look like she gets out much. I could take her out, I guess - maybe she would surprise me?


sg said...

It's not bad! You look kind of demure and well behaved .. does she know what the bald one has been writing?? xx

sg said...

ps .. did they take the photo when you were on the toilet?

Linda said...

I see what you mean, it does look like Danni has sneaked to the toilet to take a picture of herself. She didn't, we were in the 'rehab' part of the Marsden, in the wig fitting room. I don't know what's hanging up on the door, but to the left of the photo are loads of wigs in boxes, with names like Anna, Claire, Tracey... just waiting to be set free...

Linda said...

... and I think Danni has her suspicions that when she's not around the bald one is indeed up to no good. Or, she could just put her extended sleep sessions down to chemo...