Monday, 3 October 2011

Good luck everyone!

Not too hard now
Want someone on your side, a cheerleader in your corner?

Why not rub my head (left) for luck!

Okay, so you're thinking... what is this faddish new age rubbish? Well, ha! Listen up.

When real estate agent and friend Suzie D phoned me on Sunday evening and found out that B had shaved off my disappearing hair, she wanted to rub my bald head but couldn't be bothered driving over - you know how it goes. Nevertheless, the very next day Suzie D set off on a cruise down the Nile with her gorgeous girlfriend Angie. Ask yourself: forward planning and a fabulous holiday deal - or good old bald-headed luck??

Now you're convinced, feel free to touch my head on screen, or why not print a copy of my noggin and carry me about as your lucky charm. 

Good luck everyone, get rubbing!

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