Thursday, 24 November 2011

Back on track

After three white cell injections and a week long course of antibiotics, my neutrophils (white cells - medical speak!) rallied and I was able to have my second cycle of the Red Devil. I was pleased to get back on track because it means that I am getting closer to my appointment with the Proff and for finding out if the new treatment is working.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

No chemo today

I arrived to have my chemo today, but it turns out that the Doxorubicin has been doing it's job a little too well. When my blood was put under the microscope, it was revealed that my white cells were too low to allow me to take my second dose of chemo. So, I've been sent home with three injections that encourage my white cells to grow in my bone marrow, and a week's worth of antibiotics. Strangely, it isn't everyone else's germs that I need to be worried about, it's my own bacteria that could create an infection. On a biological basis, I have become my own worst enemy. How incredibly annoying is that?

Thursday, 3 November 2011

A day in three parts

I had a total cancer day yesterday - and I really enjoyed it!!

My morning was taken up with an accupuncture appointment, which sounds really indolent but it was in the middle of the morning (in my defence). Also, it wasn't just any old accupuncture appointment. My friend Moss and her mother Wendy, who herself has fought off kidney cancer twice, rang up with the suggestion that I might like to see a very highly sought after Vietnamese accupuncturist who they had both seen and would highly recommend.